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Friday, 11 May 2007

The Eagle Has Landed!

Rather pleasingly it looks like we have four varied student team entries for the s4s competition to develop a game for Sustainable Development.

The more I think about Sustainable Development, the more I talk to and listen to others and the more that happens on our planet earth then the more I appreciate that there's a whole range of views as to what Sustainability actually is...

I do feel that some of the views sometimes appear far from the mark, that is, so radically diverge from my own views that they can't possible be 'right'?

However, I think it would be extremely difficult to answer the question "What is Sustainable Development?" For, it seems, it is so many different things to so many different peoples. Nobody has a definitive version of the answer to this difficult question. Presumably this is because of the complexity/variation necessarily central to a consideration of this challenge?

The four competition entrants will provide us with quite a challenge, particularly given this relativistic position, when we try to decide a 'winner'.

As clichéd as this will sound they are all indeed already winners!


Tim :-)

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